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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Divine Winds in Desperation

The Divine Winds, known as kamikaze in Japanese are believed to protect Japan from invasions from the outside. Only one time in Japan's history have they been occupied from the outside with the defeat in World War II in 1945. On this date in history, January 5th, 1945; Japanese government approved the use of warplanes to be flown into US-led Allied Forces' ships. These missions were known as Kamikaze Raids. Maimed Japanese warplanes would maneuver themselves so that they would crash not into the ocean but into the side of a US warship. These raids managed to damage 30 ships and killing 5000. Months later, the war was ended with the atomic bombings of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States on August 6th and 9th, 1945.

Information provided for this entry was from this evening's Fox New 8pm broadcast.

The Divine Wind Vault (C)2006-10

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